Monday 13 July 2015

Background of the Safavid Empire

Background of the Safavid Empire

At the time of the Ottoman empire had reached its peak, in the Persian Safavid empire was newly established. But in fact, the kingdom is growing rapidly. Safavid name is kept on hold until the Safavid congregation into a political movement and became a kingdom called Safavid kingdom. During its development, the Safavid empire was often at odds with the Ottoman empire.(Badri Yatim, 1999 : 138)

Political-religious movement of the Congregation of the Safavid occur when the Islamic world is entering a period of mid (1250-1800 AD). Safavid Sufi movement emerged in the 13th century AD in Ardabil, a city in Azerbeyjan, region of western Iran. Ardabil at that time the Kara Koyunlu territory of the tribe of Turks who embrace the Shia. Founder of the Safavid Sufi is Saifuddin Ishak (1252-1334).

Safavid Sufi movement in the early days was patterned purely religious. However, because of the social conditions that support and motivate the Shiite doctrine Safavid, then they change the pattern of religious thought to the religious-political thought in the Safavid Sufi movement. (Harun Nasution, 1984 : 84)

At the beginning, the congregation Safavid Sufism recitation pure form locally, which aims to inculcate the teachings of the Sufi and piety as a most important part in Sufism, so that the followers of this order and firmly obey the teachings of their religion underwent.

Safavid Sufi movement in the early days was patterned purely religious. However, because of the social conditions that support and motivate the Safavids, then they changed the complexion of religious thought to the religious-political thought in the Safavid Sufi movement.

As a religious organization sufisme can be used as a political-religious institutions with the aim to spread Islam at the same time achieve political ideals in developing the teaching of the Islamic religion in social life, both socio-religious and socio-political (religio-political system of Islam) who conducted the Safavid sufi. Religious organizations as well as political-religious institutions of the Congregation of the Safavid addition serves to facilitate the consolidation and spread of the congregation for the doctrine of followers in the community, also to increase the congregation before the Safavid rulers and in the community.

Safavid movement is also not uncommon for war political maneuver with some kingdoms, until the time of Ismail ibn Haidar can beat ruler of Syrwanid then followed the victory over Alaq Koyunlu give way to the institute to establish the Safavid Empire. then the Safavid empire was successfully established by Ismail in the year 1501 AD.

Badri, Yatim, 1999, Sejarah Peradaban Islam (Cet. IX; Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada),
Harun Nasution, 1984, Islam Ditinjau dari Berbagai Aspeknya, (Jakarta: UI Press),

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