Sunday 12 July 2015

The Development of Thinking and Radicalism

The discussion this time the writer will explain about the development of thinking that occurs in Islam in the era of colonialism to post-colonialism.


Radicalism lately more directed to the Muslims, based on the emerging understanding of Islamic radicalism, and tragically all forms of violence in the world is always on the accused to the Muslims. Views on Islamic radicalism would not appear without reason. But through the facts that have occurred in the world, until now the world back in the show by radical actions of the Islamic State of Iraq Syria (ISIS).

The Development of Islamic Thought
When the Western world can rise from the dark ages, Muslims began to abandon the tradition of thinking and experiencing setbacks. The problem is well utilized by the Western world, which begins by british and France around the 18th century to colonization against Muslims.

Realizing setback Muslims, the idea of Islamic revivalism emerged as a response to the decline of Islam through the concept back to the essential teachings of Islam. Movement that emerged in response to the deterioration Islam has several characteristics, including, first, back to the original Islam, purify Islam of local traditions and foreign cultures, secondly, to encourage the free reasoning in terms of doing ijtihad and reject taqlid, third, the need to migrate from region dominated by pagans, fourth, belief in the existence of a fair leader and a reformer

Based on the appearance of schools of Islam that aims revivaslisme movement as a  reaction and criticism of the consequences caused by western imperialism, and religious schools of textual, Making Islamic revival movement is touted as fundamentalism.

However, Islamic revivalism measures are used as a solution still can not answer the above concerns of Muslims in the face of colonialism.

So also with the colonization of the west against Muslims, which caused the weakness of Muslims when it is due to decline and stagnation, which resulted in colonization can be global, and in fact almost all Muslims in the world have felt the ferocity of colonialism. while on the other hand Islamic revivalism has not been able to generate Muslims

Colonialism  with malignancies who were treated against Muslims in the world, too, has an impact on Muslims. Based on these experiences, Islamic scholars tried to rise from adversity to avoid stagnation that have plagued Muslims. . Islamic scholars believe that science and technology should be in understand it by a Muslim, then modernism made as a solution.

For example, Islamic modernism initiated by Ahmad Khan in India, to support the consolidation of British rule in India that aims to be able to mobilize efforts to introduce and translate the achievements of modern western civilization, especially in the field of science and education.

Regarding the reform path taken by Sayyid Ahmad Khan, get a lot of support from many Islamic scholars at that time, because of social reform and education in order to prepare people to be able to face the challenges deemed necessary owned by a Muslim. As well as that carried out by Muhammad Abduh, at a time when he is willing to cooperate with the Lord Cromer, the British representative, in the hope of the British presence can be utilized for the development of education in Egypt.

But the development of the modernization of Islam, is still not able to be accepted by the Islamic scholars around the world, due to the modernization of Islam, while still dealing with colonialism, the development of religious understanding increasingly displaced by the understanding of modernization as opposed to the understanding of Islam, be a factor of Islam modernizing left, then raises thinking about neo revivalism

Thought neo Islamic revivalism emerged as a response to modernism terhdap considered more concerned with the development of modernism rather than Islam, so there is a shift between modernism and Islam.

In the history of the development of thinking neo Islamic revivalism has not always had an antagonistic relationship with modernism, neo thinking of Islamic revivalism, just do not approve of modernism thought that less familiar integrate Islam with modernism. Based on the problem of neo revivalism gives understanding to advance Islam rather than modernism and reject modernization as opposed to Islam

Then reappeared neo modernism as the answer to the problem of Islamic revivalism neo unanswered, though neo Islamic revivalism able to answer the problem of modernism that has understood all Westernized, by differentiating themselves from the west, but the neo revivailisme still not been able to find a method of interpretation of the Al Quran in order produce a systematic and thorough thinking. Therefore neo modernism emerged as an answer to the problem.

Neo modernism develop a critical attitude towards the west, by inviting the Muslims in the western world and its ideas assess objectively, as well as the teachings and ideas within Islam. Because the studies carried out fully and systematically, to the neo-modernism main task is to develop appropriate methods in the study of the Koran in order to produce a draft comprehensive systematic thinking.

Islamic Radicalism Action
"Religious radicalism is a religious phenomenon of politics, not as a theological phenomenon", Bassam Tibi.

If the phenomenon of Islamic radicalism in the world today, the phrase Bassam Tibi about radicalism have a point, because the strength of world politics can not be separated from Islam and the West.

Western powers when it got past century has witnessed the darkness of the world, the achievements of Western civilization contributed greatly to the advancement of the world.

But the western powers be frightening for Islam when it was, colonialism committed against Islam still can not be forgotten by some quarters.

At this time a number of countries under Western colonization has become a sovereign state, but sovereignty is given by the state is still not fully perceived. Even some of the schools system adopts the west.

Unrest Muslims who perform radical action at this time, in the west because of the ideology is still a frame in a system of most countries in the world, making it difficult to conduct political negotiations. Based on the failure of political negotiations that Muslims took steps to carry out radical actions as a form of terror.

Injustice and poverty that emerged in some countries make radical groups the opportunity to recruit members and development of strength in the terrorized the world. As well as providing the doctrine of nationalism and democracy as shirk understand that associating the principle of the sovereignty of God.
Hopefully injustice and poverty eliminated immediately.


                                                                                                         # Muhammad Arrizky Alamsyah

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